Ceresole d’Alba and Sanfrè ponds
Ceresole d’Alba is located between the Roero heights and the plain of Cuneo and Torino. Several ponds formed here over the years thanks to the soil made of clay and particularly impermeable. Those ponds are not much wide and punctuate the cultivated land, used mainly by farmers for irrigation purposes; in a few cases they are also used for fishing. Being agricultural lands there is a a relative lack of disturbance but the other issue is frequent and often sudden variations in the water regime and also banks cleaning is very dangerous for dragonflies breeding. Luckily, the ponds are numerous and these operations are not all carried out at the same time, allowing populations to survive. Near Sanfrè there are some wetlands with rice fields and old quarries brought back to nature.
The relatively modest altitude and favorable climate foster the presence of many species, some of them very rare or completely absent in other places in the Cuneo region. Among these you can observe Aeshna affinis, Coenagrion scitulum and Sympetrum meridionale.