S.Marco-Rialpo ponds (Demonte)
Two small ponds lying a few kilometers downstream from Demonte village. They are certainly not a wonderful view, but they are an excellent place to observe dragonflies. You can reach them by small, dirt roads starting from the Demonte hamlets San Marco or Rialpo. Human disturbance isn’t particularly meaningful if compared to other places, but the two ponds are attended by anglers.
Here you can observe frequently: Coenagrion puella, Ischnura elegans, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Anax imperator, Aeshna cyanea, Orthetrum cancellatum, Crocothemis erythraea and some species of Sympetrum. Among the rarities: Chalcolestes viridis, Aeshna affinis, Aeshna mixta, Libellula quadrimaculata.