Vagrant Emperor

Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839)


It is similar to A. parthenope for the blue spot at the abdomen base, but it is different because of slightly smaller size (61-70 mm), brown eyes, light brown paired spots on the distal abdomen segments, appendages shape and, in females, by the lack of occipital tubercles.


In the Mediterranean it can be observed all over the year, even if the greatest number of data occurs in the summer months. In Italy it breeds just occasionally.


Adaptable to different kinds of wetlands, also temporary as oxbow lakes, ponds, marshy meadows, usually not deep and sunny.


This species has its core range in eastern Africa and south-western Asia regions, from where in autumn it originates massive migrations. In spring these insects reach southern Europe and, in propitious years, also the rest of Europe in the following months (one individual has been observed in Iceland). In the Cuneo region no breeding population has been found and the observed individuals are basically in dispersal, sometimes with great numbers. Some individuals have been found at altitudes higher than 2000 meters above sea level.